Guide to Redesigning Your Kitchen

Guide to Redesigning Your Kitchen

Guide to Redesigning Your Kitchen

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Thinking of Redesigning Your Kitchen?

Are you going for Redesigning Your Kitchen? Allow us to guide you through the procedure.

Start redesigning your kitchen as early as possible. Starting with the selection of the room’s location inside the home. You should try orienting your kitchen toward the southeast or east if you have the option of choosing the direction. In which it will be facing. This will allow the early sun to flood the room with light. Unfortunately, in recovery, selecting the southeast orientation may not always be achievable. Despite the fact that we believe it is worthwhile to strive towards.

If this is just not possible, angling the kitchen to a southwest or south is indeed an excellent alternative. If you want to go this way, be sure to include some means for shading the area from the summer sun. Including such deciduous trees or bushes, awnings, or overhangs over windows. Even decent window blinds, to keep the space cool in the summer.

Once you’ve gotten your bearings in the kitchen, there are certain fundamental design ideas that will assist you with the arrangement.


A home is not even an island; it necessitates frequent phone access, which is mostly performed via the use of automobiles. Conveniently located garages that are adjacent to the kitchen. As well as a rear door that opens into the driveway. May make bringing groceries in and taking out the garbage much easier.

Because it serves as a staging location for travels into or out of the home. A mudroom may help to lessen kitchen traffic. In addition to providing a barrier from the chilly air. It also provides storage capacity for coats, hats, and boots. As well as pantry shelves for products you won’t be needing right away. It makes more space for cooking and dining. Which are the primary activities that take place in a kitchen when all of this activity is removed from the space.

The Work Triangle

Most of the twentieth century was devoted to the organization of kitchens around what is known as the working triangle. The geometric arrangement specified by the sink, stove, and refrigerator. Because the majority of kitchen labor is a dance between the 3 appliances. A well-designed kitchen will ensure that the lengths between them are comfortable. If they’re too close together, the workspace will be crowded; if they’re too far apart, the chef will grow exhausted from running between them. The general rule of thumb would be that the summation legs of a triangle should be between 12 & 26 feet in length.

The work triangle may be divided into three fundamental configurations: u-shaped, l-shaped, and galley. When you go into the u-shaped kitchen, you’ll see a triangle path leading from the sink on one side to the stove on another. Then to the refrigerator just on the third. An L-shaped kitchen has one of the work triangle’s elements against one wall. The other two elements running along the other side. In very tight quarters, all 3 points are located along the same side. Much like the cooking equipment on a ship, thus the term galley kitchen.

No vehicle should pass thru the work triangle, if at all possible. Having someone slam into you while you’re attempting to prepare a meal is the most frustrating thing in the world. A work island or table should be placed in the room such that it does not interfere with the work triangle. Is not too far away from the work triangle to be a good workstation in its own right.

Maintain an awareness of the fact that those who are not directly engaged in the preparation of meals need accessibility to the kitchen, especially the refrigerator.

Gadgets that are absolutely necessary for Redesigning Your Kitchen

For the sink, cooktop, and refrigerator to work properly. They must be surrounded by a certain quantity of floor & counter space. The refrigerator door must be able to swing open completely. If feasible, allow for two persons to reach in at the same time. The doors of any cabinets surrounding the refrigerator should not be in direct confrontation with the fridge’s door. Additionally, the refrigerator requires an 18-inch run-on counter to serve as just a staging area for meals entering or exiting the refrigerator.

According to tradition, the sink is situated under a window, to both offer light for the activities. That are done there or to allow a view of the outside. I believe the tradition dates back to the days of dishwashers. When washing dishes was a time-consuming operation that had to be done entirely by hand. Working at such a sink with such a window, on the other hand, is far more pleasurable than working once at a sink without a window. Designers often start with the sink and work their way up to the remainder of the working triangle from there.

Counter lengths of 36 inches over one side of the kitchen and 24 inches on the other are regarded to be the bare minimum. Providing you with a staging space for dirty dishes solely on a single side and then a drying area on either. As a result, it appears sensible to position the largest amount of counter space just on side of the plate that is closest to the stovetop, because that is where the vast majority of items cooked at the sink end up.

More about Gadgets that are absolutely necessary

The cooktop should be placed along an outside wall and on an island and peninsula since this is the most advantageous placement. When a stove is mounted on an exterior wall, it is simple to build a functional hood & ventilation system, which are necessary for properly exhausting grease, smoke, and combustion gases. The stove or cooktop must have an overhead clearance of 21 to 30 inches so that chefs can easily view and reach the back burners as well as the ventilation system may perform its functions adequately.

If you want to install dishwashing, be sure to locate it near the sink area. The location you pick may be influenced by your preference for right- or left-handed operation, as well as the direction dishes, are likely to travel when they are removed from the table. Take into account the choreography with two persons loading or unloading the equipment as well.

A Place To Keep Your Stuff – Redesigning Your Kitchen

Store glasses and dishes near the sink in cupboards or shelves. Pots and pans that are often used may be hung between the sink as well as the cooktop or on a rack.

To avoid disturbing the chef, consider placing your silverware drawers near the drying rack and dishwasher but outside of the core work triangle.

To make their kitchens more efficient, professional chefs tend to keep their tools within easy reach. She keeps her knives in a set of pegs over her kitchen sink.

Pasta, rice, & cereal may be stored on shelves or cupboards above the cooktop since they aren’t impacted by heat. Just below these cabinets, but above the cooktop, a little shelf may turn the area into a culinary workshop, offering a convenient resting spot for timers and other kitchen tools for redesigning your kitchen.

A pantry is an efficient and cost-effective method of storing a big amount of culinary supplies. Having a pantry is cost-effective since it’s just a closet with shelves. Make a place in the pantry for a utility room, where you can keep mops, brooms, and cleaning materials.

Eating In

Tables for casual meals may be set up in the Islands. It is necessary to have stools and a 12-inch overhang in order to adequately accommodate the knees of those who are sitting at the counter.

The following are a few guidelines to keep in mind when deciding where to put a kitchen table. 212 feet by 5 or 512 feet is the ideal size for a table that seats four to six. Chairs and good circulation need a minimum of 212 – 3 feet of space all around. A circular table occupies less space. Which may be expanded to accommodate additional people if necessary. Make sure to keep in mind that even a little increase in the table’s radius will have a significant impact on the amount of space it takes up on the floor.



Is it expensive to Redesigning Your Kitchen?

The average cost of reworking a kitchen in the United States is $22,700. However, it is important to note that this statistic does not represent the whole picture. When remodeling your kitchen, you may expect to spend anywhere from $5,000 – $50,000 or more. Between $12,500 to $33,000 is the average cost of a kitchen makeover.

Are our kitchen remodels worth the money?

Remodeling a property shouldn’t cost less than 5% or more than 15% of its present worth. Make sure you’re ready for everything. 20% of the budget should be earmarked for unexpected expenses.

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